Deer Santa,
For Chrismas this year I want a lot of things, espeshally becus my six birth day is in deecembr. First, I want a pet dog. My mom and dad won’t let me have one becus they don’t think I will take good care of it. But I promise if you giv me a dog I will feed it everey day and go on walks with my dog everey day too. I will name him Biscuit and we will play toogether in the backyard in the after noon. Second, I want a longer vacayshin. It is more fun when we are not at skool and we can be at home. I like vacayshin becus I get to sleep. I also get to play games and sumtimes my frends come to my house. I wish we had more time to stay home and sleep and play and eat insted of going to skool.
I also want to be taller. Everey one in my class is taller than me and it is not fun because I allways get picked last when we play games. I want to be taller so I will allways be picked first. I also want to be tall so i can reech the food my mom puts at the top of the refrijerator. Then I can eat whatevr I want with out asking her.
Thank you for reding my letter. I hope I get sum of these things on Chrismas. I am super exited for Chrismas this year. Stay warm Santa! Next year for Chrismas I want to visit you at the north pool. Merry Chrismas!
Junel Dang