By Stephanie Rubio
Staff Writer
Tomorrow the very first Gabfest will take place here at Gabrielino starting at 7p.m. and going until 11p.m. The entire event was created and planned by Sophmore Class President Dominic Gonzalez.
Starting off his career in ASB as Freshman Vice President, Dominic Gonzalez, has now taken on a new position of leadership. As the only sophomore on the entire Associated Student Body this year, it has proven to be a challenge because Gonzalez does not even have a Vice President to rely on for help.
Along with his ASB responsibilities, Gonzalez is a tri-athlete that aims to balance all of his academic responsibilities while representing his class. Initially, Gonzalez was not planning to run however, when no one stepped up to run for the position last year, he decided to take on the challenge and become the Sophomore Class President.
“I wanted Dominic to grow as a leader and I knew that this position through ASB would definitely help so I encouraged him to run.” explained Edith Gonzalez, Gabrielino teacher and Dominic’s mother.
His role as Sophomore Class President consists of hosting class council meetings every second Tuesday of the month during lunch in order to stay connected to students and their suggestions. Dominic’s jobs are also to publicize sophomore events and make posters with other members of ASB.
“Being the only sophomore can be really tough sometimes,” explained Dominic, “But, I am happy that I am able to represent my class and be able to voice their opinions about what is happening around campus”
With March approaching, ASB is trying something new and replacing Sadies with Gabfest, putting a new spin on what is usually a school dance.
Traditionally, sophomores are in charge of planning the Sadies dance, meaning this year, Dominic is responsible for organizing Gabfest. He has to plan and prepare the entire festival on his own, given that he is the only sophomore on the entire staff.
“Dominic works really hard and has taken on a lot of responsibility this year with planning Gabfest. I know that he will be successful in and out ASB, and I’m excited for the upcoming dance” added William Tantribeau, ASB Senior Class President.
Dominic continues to work behind the scenes to try and make the most of the time he has left because the event is set to take place March 1st from 7pm. to 11pm.
“I am super nervous of what everyone will think, I have worked very hard and I just hope that all the students will enjoy it.”