By Brendan Villena
Staff Writer
On May 17 at 7 p.m., student bands, solo singers, and the school choir gave a performance to remember at the annual Spring Concert in the Goodson Theatre, led by choir teacher David Pitts. The students transformed their practice into prominence as they were put in the spotlight to showcase months of work.
The Spring Concert is an annual Gabrielino High School showpiece of students who want to demonstrate their talents for the school to see. The first half of the concert consisted of small groups and solos performing, while the second half introduced choir.
An immense amount of time and effort was dedicated from each student who performed in the concert. Driven by Pitts, the students put on a memorable series of serenades that soothed the atmosphere, rocked the stage, and tickled the audience’s funny bone.
This year’s concert was different from previous years, as there were no auditions needed to perform in the two-and-a-half hour showing.
“There were so many people who wanted to perform, we just let them all perform,” explained Pitts.
Senior Mydel Mutuc was one of the many outstanding students who performed.
“My experience was fun and exciting […] [the concert] gives people an opportunity to perform and show what they got,” stated Mutuc. “When you’re up there performing your solo, you get to do your own thing because it’s not just about the singing but it’s also about the stage presence and [that] is the part that shows who you are.”
This was the last time most of the seniors would sing as a part of choir, and although it was a bittersweet night for many, it was described as a memorable experience across the board.
“Over the past year with choir I have made so many new friends and have gotten way better at singing than before,” senior Ezair Banuelos stated. “I hate that I didn’t start choir when I was a freshman or even in middle school! But I’m glad I got to be in choir this year and I’m going to miss singing with everyone.”
Countless hours of practice paid off as the choir put on a stellar performance.
“[My experience was] great because I got to end the show with all the seniors singing ‘Go the Distance,’ which was very fitting!” stated senior Jocelyn Silva.