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The Tongva Times

The Tongva Times


Award shows must stop tokenizing people of color

May 28, 2021

By Lam Chung | Staff Writer ew    During the nomination ceremony for the 63rd annual Grammys, Recording Academy CEO Harvey Mason Jr., as a preface to the announcements, stated, “I’m...

‘Mile Higher’ succeeds in true crime investigation, conversation

May 28, 2021

By Brittany Snow | Production Chief 5 stars    In the past year, I have become quite the fan of podcasts, particularly those covering true crime, one of which being Mile Higher, hosted by...

“Good Golly, Miss Dolly!” Parton sets example of kindness with charitable work

April 30, 2021

By Brittany Snow | Production Chief New York Times    Aside from being a well-known country singer-songwriter and actress, Dolly Parton has become one of the most prominent examples...

Cancel culture goes too far

April 30, 2021

By Bellefontaine Nhan | Staff Writer NBC News    Cancel culture has become a popular trend within social media today. However, some agree that it has gone on too far. People are receiving...

Molded by the male gaze, freed through feminism

April 30, 2021

By Lam Chung | Staff Writer medium    As the mortal combat starts to accelerate, the camera pans towards her beaming decolletage, contrasted against the darkness of the abandoned...

Tongva Times Staff must-read list

April 30, 2021

Here are the must-read books hand-picked and carefully curated by the Tongva Times staff. Keep reading to find your next new page-turner. From historical fiction to self-improvement, we have a wide...

Racist imagery justifies removal of Dr. Seuss books from publication

March 26, 2021

By Ryan Sieh | Staff Writer Fox Business    On March 2, NBC news announced that “the business that preserves Dr. Seuss’ legacy announced that six of the celebrated author’s...

Miyazaki films are tangible nostalgia

March 26, 2021

By Halle Fukawa | Editor in Chief Vogue magazine    “I believe that stories have an important role to play in the formation of human beings, that they can stimulate, amaze, and...

Dark side of fast fashion

March 26, 2021

By Jolin Hoang | Staff Writer Open Access Government    The fast fashion industry consists of the mass production of trendy, high-fashion clothing pieces at a low price. The industry...

‘Framing Britney’ gives insight to Spears’ conservatorship

March 26, 2021

By Lam Chung | Staff Writer Den of Geek    On Feb. 5, the New York Times released the “Framing Britney” documentary, covering Britney Spears’ career leading up to the #FreeBritney...

Rom-coms imply romance only for some people

February 26, 2021

By Chloe Morales | Staff Writer Photo from Rolling Stones    For years, romantic comedies have set unrealistic expectations for those on the quest for love. These movies give people...

Actors with disabilities should have equal opportunity to play characters with disabilities

February 26, 2021

By Emme Tran | Junior Editor Photo from usatoday    Actors with disabilities deserve to be cast as characters with disabilities, as the film industry’s portrayal has been largely...

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