By Cassidy Liu
Copy Editor
“No one in your round will have a story like yours, and it’s amazing because of all the unique speeches you’ll see all year, and how special your own speech is,” junior Raymond Tran, a varsity member on the speech team, proudly stated.
Original Prose and Poetry (OPP) is an event where the participant creates their own piece to perform at competitions. With minimal guidelines, performers are free to creatively produce a speech that conveys their own personal message in a special way.
The speaker sticks to a ten minute piece of text that is written by themselves, and presents the story using the characters they create, bringing them to life for the audience. From humorous to dramatic speeches, the speaker is in control of how they want to portray their fictional story.
“Being original and creative is the hardest part,” varsity member Katherine Xie, junior, explained. “But once you find something that you’re really passionate about talking about, the plot itself will quickly come to you.”
“No one in your round will have a story like yours, and it’s amazing because of all the unique speeches you’ll see all year, and how special your own speech is,” junior Raymond Tran proudly stated.
Original Prose and Poetry (OPP) is an event where the participant creates their own piece to perform at competitions. With minimal guidelines, performers are free to creatively produce a speech that conveys their own personal message in a special way.
The speaker sticks to their ten minute script, and presents a story using the characters they create, bringing them to life for the audience. From humorous to dramatic speeches, the speaker is in control of how they want to portray their fictional story.
“Being original and creative is the hardest part,” varsity member Katherine Xie, junior, explained. “But once you find something that you’re really passionate about talking about, the plot itself will quickly come to you.”