By Megan Tran
Copy Editor
Amanda Holguin radiates her bold personality through her fashion choices, turquoise hair, and her role as ASB president.
After one year of ASB, Amanda was inspired, by past ASB role models and Gabrielino’s school spirit, to take on the leadership position of ASB President her senior year.
“ASB is different with a leadership role because last year, I did not have much responsibilities besides being in charge of Student of the Month and Tongva Bowl,” stated Holguin.
Now as ASB president, she is responsible for many tasks such as leading ASB meetings every Tuesday, making sure everyone is on top of their work, making posters, planning big events like the rally, promoting students to take leadership roles, and communicating between administration and ASB.
“Part of what makes Amanda a good leader is that she’s always setting an example for others to follow. Whenever we have a project to work on, she’ll be working alongside everybody else,” ASB member, senior, Joseph Garcia expressed. “If you have certain responsibilities that you’re having trouble with, she’ll be there to help out.”
ASB is where Holguin spends most of her time. Even with only four periods, Holguin still stays at school so that she could make sure that projects are done by their deadline.
“Amanda’s dedication is what makes her such a great leader and role model for the rest of ASB,” senior Ana Jurado, ASB Vice President, emphasized.
Holguin’s favorite part of ASB is the supportive community because regardless they always have her back when something fails.
“Despite the rallys not always going according to plan, those are always my favorite to plan. I love going along with the theme and including acts. Also, the stress that goes into that whole week is worth it when we see all of our hard work in the gym and figuring out things we need to improve on,” Holguin revealed.
Holguin wants to use what she has learned in ASB, regarding leadership, teamwork, and communication, and apply it to her love for government and politics.
“I am really into politics and for the longest time, I wanted to be in the Senate. As of now, I am not 100 percent sure but I do know I want to go into government or maybe policy making,” said Holguin.