By Thomas Chung
Copy Editor
On March 16, the East San Gabriel Valley Japanese Community Center (ESGVJCC), a non- profit organization dedicated to foster and preserve the cultural heritage unique to Japanese American ancestry, will be hosting its annual West Covina Cherry Blossom Festival at the Plaza West Covina from 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
“The Cherry Blossom Festival is an opportunity for the city to welcome residents of the local community as well as visitors from the greater community to gather with the common enjoyment, interest and desire of experiencing Japanese flavors, sights and sounds,” states an ESGVJCC press release.
During the festival, visitors will be able to enjoy music and dance performances, watch a judo demonstration, shop from a variety of merchants, listen to Japanese taiko drums, and try authentic Japanese cuisine.
“I attended the [West Covina Cherry Blossom Festival] last year and I thought it was really awesome,” stated West Covina resident Joann Yamamoto. “Since I’m Japanese, I think that this event is a really important reminder of my culture and my background.”
The first performance of the festival will begin at 10:30 a.m. and the last performance will be at 3:30 p.m. The entertainment schedule was unavailable at press time.
While countless products from food vendors and merchants will be available for purchase, admission for the festival will be free and open to all members of the public. In addition, free shuttle services will be offered around the City of West Covina on March 16 so that community members will be able to easily access the event.
ESGVJCC and the City of West Covina sponsor a Sister City Student Exchange program with the city of Ohtawara, Japan. Funds raised from the West Covina Cherry Blossom Festival will be used to support this program in addition to the various social, artistic, recreational, and educational programs offered by the ESGVJCC.
“After learning more about the festival online, I’m really excited to go,” said senior Gabby Zambrano. “I’m going to take my boyfriend and tell my friends about it.”