By Cassidy Liu
Copy Editor
Eleven months ago, on a sheet of obnoxious neon green paper titled “New Year’s Resolution,” I drafted what would become the most atrocious nightmare to haunt me for the rest of the year.
Although there were only three simple words – “Get more sleep!” – sprawled across the paper in messy chicken scratch, my goal was practically impossible to accomplish due to the fact that I would often goof off. However, I surprisingly endured two weeks without watching anime and playing games. During those two torturous weeks, I discovered that it was possible for me to not get distracted by everything and anything in my room.
By the time I entered my third week of sleeping around 9 p.m. every night, I felt like a newborn because of how rested and energized I was everyday during school. The permanent dark eye bags finally started to lighten. Little did I know that one night when I was happily counting sheep, one of my teachers decided to move up the due date for an assignment.
After receiving a whopping zero for the assignment, dropping my grade in the class by two percent, I realized how foolish it was to sleep early. Sleeping early caused me to sacrifice my grades so, from that day forward, I made the wise decision to goof off and stay up to the early hours of the morning doing nothing.
In reality, my New Year’s resolution was merely a pipe dream because I failed to consider that I was in the middle of junior year, and my workload was only going to increase with AP exams fast approaching. The neon green paper on my desk would only serve as a reminder of how sleep deprived I was.
Every year, my attempts to become a new and improved person all end in complete failure. In general, I believe that setting a resolution is pointless during New Years because not many people actually have enough motivation to stay dedicated to their goal for long periods of time. While most will go through with their goal for a few weeks or months, sudden changes to someone’s life are bound to make them unsuccessful.
Although my resolution this year has again been abandoned, the New Year is coming up again, and I will get another chance to scribble something down on another sheet of neon green paper in hopes of staying true to my word.