By Daeja Conner
Santa letter
Dear Santa,
So, I know I haven’t hit you up since I was 8 but that’s because I had asked you for a pet rabbit for four years in a row and you never got me one. Like, how are you going to eat my cookies and just leave like that? Very disappointing.
However, that’s not the point of why I’m writing to to you.
I know it’s been a while but all I’m asking for this Christmas is a job at Afters. Not only are their uniforms cute, but you get free ice cream working there. Like…that’s lit. Working at my current fast food chain establishment leaves me smelling like a burnt piece of toast and my visor makes me break out. Also, our orange uniforms are just…no.
So if you could review my letter and get back to me ASAP it would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely #7 on your Naughty List,
Daeja lee Conner