By Cassidy Lee
Staff Writer
With the recent catastrophic events in the news, ranging from the cataclysmic weather disasters to the recent election, the United States could potentially be hit with another: the zombie apocalypse.
The month of September marks the beginning of the wretched flu season. During this time, many people tend to get a flu shot in order to prevent the infamous disease from infecting them.
Theories arose surrounding the flu shot and its correspondence to the zombie apocalypse. Although the amount of virus the vaccine carries is small, as time goes on and more patients receive the vaccine, humans eventually become immune to it.
However, the immunity to the vaccine only caused the virus to get stronger, therefore creating further difficulty for the human body to fight against it. It would evolve up to the point where they would finally succumb to the virus, attacking the brain first, the virus would only leave the cerebellum intact. Thus causing the person infected to remain in a zombie-like state.
In 2016, the nation’s 45th president was elected, and in 2017, he was sworn into office. Though the United States President may not have a direct correlation with the cause of the zombie apocalypse, he outlines the fact that the government may be apart of the creation of the zombie apocalypse.
In Atlanta, Georgia, the government houses all the diseases known to man at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Theories arose encompassing the government’s responsibility for the current epidemic.
The CDC tends to be very selective with who they allow to enter the premise, therefore restricting the general public from finding out what’s going on inside CDC buildings. One theory was that the U.S. government was secretly stockpiling a disease that would be used for biological warfare.
This virus would be used in times of war, in order to defeat the enemy. The CDC would inject subjects with the virus, killing the body and brain and leaving only the cerebellum intact. The disease had spread from person to person, eventually infecting all personnel.
However, the project would soon go wrong. Instead of only infecting and killing the people targeted, it would spread to U.S. citizens as well. Due to CDC withholding this information, American citizens never knew what’s going on behind closed doors.
There are many conspiracies to why and how the zombie apocalypse started. However, many tend to look over the fact that what could cause mass destruction, could be happening in front of our own eyes.