By Chloe Law
Staff Writer
With coffeehouses such as Starbucks and Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf frequenting the corners of several cities, various groups of people, ranging from seniors to adolescents, have been exposed to different forms of caffeine including coffee. Given that coffee offers benefits in regards to both health and performance, it remains to be a useful and effective tool when used in moderation.
By definition, caffeine is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant, meaning that it heightens an individual’s awareness and or alertness. Common sources of caffeine include coffee, black and green tea, cocoa, cola soft drinks and energy drinks.
The consumption of coffee amongst teenagers is not considered rare or unusual. According to a poll conducted by Medical News Today, 83.2% of teenagers consume caffeinated beverages regularly, and at least 96% consume them occasionally.
Many teenagers utilize coffee in order to concentrate both in class and on their work. A study conducted by Nationwide Children’s shows that while teenagers are expected to get 9 hours of sleep, most receive 7 hours of sleep and less.
As a result, sleep deprivation has become a common occurrence with students experiencing decreased cognitive ability and fatigue throughout the day.
Given that coffee allows for students to regain energy and raises an individual’s awareness, students have turned to coffee to compensate for their lack of sleep; consuming coffee allows for students to stay awake in their classes and during late nights.
The effects of drinking coffee begin to peak around 30 to 60 minutes after consumption and can last anywhere from 4 to 6 hours which offers for longer periods of focus.
Aside from performance advantages, coffee also provides teenagers with numerous health benefits.
“[People] get more of their antioxidants from coffee than any other dietary source. Nothing else comes close,” said Joe Vinson, lead author of an antioxidant study at University of Scantron.
In 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) dropped coffee from its list of carcinogens after 25 years of studies and observations. WHO along with other organizations such as 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee attested to the fact that coffee was linked with a lower risk of several types of cancer.
Long term advantages of drinking coffee include reduced risks of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, uterine and liver cancer, cirrhosis, and gout as stated in a Harvard study conducted by Robert H. Shmerling, M.D.
“We’ve learned that coffee, in moderation — perhaps 1 to 2 cups daily — isn’t bad for you,” wrote Donald Hensrud, M.D. in a Mayo Clinic article.
Caffeine has made its stake on the world with both its presence and its taste. With the advantages provided with the usage of caffeine, coffee should remain available to teenagers so long as they drink in moderation.