In recent years, Pope Francis has been at the forefront of progressive change within the Catholic community. While his support of controversial issues within the church is unorthodox, his views align with...
By Rodin Batcheller
Sports Editor
On April 24, the Liberty Place Monument, a well-known monument in New Orleans, was finally taken down. It celebrated the Confederate soldiers of the Civil War, and has...
Insensitivity to crucial teen issues
By Garrett Gallego
Staff Writer
According to Teen Vogue Magazine, the new Netflix original series “13 Reasons Why” has become the most popular show on social...
President Trump issued Executive Order 13768, “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States,” on Jan. 25. This mandate removes immigrants with criminal records and withholds federal...
By Jannelle Dang
Opinion Editor
On Jan. 27 President Donald Trump signed an executive order to temporarily block travel from seven Muslim-dominated countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria,...