By Lana Hy
Copy Editor
In order to give students the opportunity to learn and become leaders, the majority of high schools make volunteering a requirement for graduation. Some may argue that teens should only volunteer if they have a genuine passion for helping. However, making community service a graduation requirement at Gabrielino High School will teach students valuable skills for their future while serving the community.
One skill that volunteers learn is time management. When students are busy with homework, extracurricular activities, and community service, they must learn to use their time wisely. Being able to manage time in high school is vital to success in college and in life.
“[Prioritizing duties] is the thinking skill that helps teens plan tasks and accurately judge the amount of time needed to complete them,” stated Patrick Elliot, a writer for Learning Works For Kids. “It helps them do activities in a timely fashion, and learn to manage and stick to a schedule.”
Furthermore, volunteering helps students improve or maintain mental stability.
According to a study conducted by Child Trends, volunteering in adolescence is associated with positive outcomes during the teen years as well as in adulthood. Teens who volunteer are less likely to use drugs, and are more likely to have a positive academic, psychological, and occupational well-being.
Volunteer efforts also help students develop certain skills, such as dependability and responsibility, that can be utilized in the workplace.
In addition, volunteering with community based or non-profit organizations allows adolescents a chance to network.
”Volunteers get direct access to [influential corporate leaders] and work with them side by side,” stated Alissa Carpenter, a writer for Forbes Magazine. ”These individuals often become more than just someone they met, they can become mentors and in some cases, offer leads to new careers.”
According to, high schoolers who donate hours to help those in need are eligible for more scholarships in college. Involvement in volunteer clubs on campus also expose students to greater scholarship opportunities during the college application process.
Schools like South Pasadena High School and Temple City High School require students to perform a certain number of community service hours in order to graduate. Gabrielino should emulate these schools to ensure that more teens are one step ahead in preparing for college and entering the workforce. Since teens are overwhelmed with school work and extracurricular activities, Gabrielino should require just ten hours of service from each student for each high school year to give them the experience of serving, without adding stress.
The benefits of volunteering are valuable for all high schoolers. By making volunteering a graduation requirement, Gabrielino opens new opportunities for students to graduate as adults,