Kaylee Chan | Editor in Chief
“Abracadabra! Style guide errors begone!”

Ashley Sanchez | Production Chief
“I was never good at basketball but at least I can pretend I was.”

Paige Dance | Copy Editor
“Look out for me at Dodger Stadium, playing shortstop.”

Jordan Hum | Copy Editor
“Just a simple man, enjoying simple pleasures. Go Browns!”

Brian Ly | Copy Editor
“Took being a ghost writer a little too seriously.”

Emme Tran | Copy Editor
“Can we pretend that spelling mistakes in the printed issue are like poorly written shooting stars?”

Sophia Pu | Layout Artist
“Sophia’s Sarcasm Delivery Service!”

Jayden Tran | Layout Artist
“My heart resonates. Heat enough to burn. My blood is razor sharp! SUNLIGHT YELLOW OVERDRIVE!”

Nana Horil | Poll Specialist
“I wore this Santa costume because I thought it would be funny and not because I had no other costume.”

Belle Nhan | Poll Specialist
“All I am lacking is a pair of fangs, a coffin, and a tomato juice bag.”

Bren Belmonte | Photographer
“I’m an expert at taking photos and wearing costumes. So, this Halloween will be ideal.”

Yilin Yao | Photographer
“You better believe in unicorns or else this one will show up at your doorstep and steal all candies. Beware!!”

Isabelle Ortiz | Staff Artist
“You probably can’t tell because I always wear black, but I am in a costume – for dogs.”

Oralis Ward | Art Researcher
“What I’m wearing may or may not be a costume for dogs.”

S.T. | Social Media Manager
“Bad Bunny ^.^ ”

Kaiya Suehiro | Business Manager
“I’m dressing up as a garden gnome for Halloween because garden gnomes are terrifying.”