By Tyler Dang | Staff Writer

Key Club was announced the winner of the Club Vision Board Contest, a club competition organized by ASB’s Office of Clubs and Organizations, on May 11 on Instagram.
Announced on April 15, clubs were asked to create a board that represents their circle using photos and icons. Members were also asked to add their goals and plans for their club, as well as, artwork and symbols representing their organization.
The clubs that decided to participate in the activity were given until April 27 to complete their creative works.
For winning, Key Club received a plaque with their club name written on it which is to be used to promote the club. They also received publicity, such as an Instagram shoutout, for their association.
Sophomores Kyle Troung and Trinh Huynh, the main organizers of the competition, encouraged clubs to be creative with their boards.
They had also asked members of the clubs to submit photos or their own board and to let the officers vote for their favorite.
“On Google Slides, they can ask members and officers to submit photos which then they compile and create a huge board for everyone to see,” said Trinh. “They can also ask members to submit their own board.”
Thirteen clubs had participated in the activity, submitting their own unique boards.
During the voting week, only 32 students voted for the best Club Vision Board. However, it was enough to declare Key Club the winner of the competition.
Senior Bridget Phu, the president of Key Club this year, was one of the individuals who had helped in the making of their winning board.
The creative piece included member submitted photos, logos, pledges, and the values of the group.
“We included pictures from our past registration days, a picture of a virtual meeting, members at services, and members at our annual Fall Rally event at Six Flags,” stated Phu.
Phu also mentioned that she worked with Megan Chwa, their Tech Editor, on making the Google Slides. She stated that, “she definitely has the best artistic skills out of all of us,” which is the reason why Phu left the creative job to her.
Key Club also included everyone’s submissions on to the board. While other Club Vision Boards chose to include only selective photos, Phu wanted to include everyone in it.
“We thought that including everyone’s submission would make our vision board inclusive and fun,” she said. “We also decided to add elements of our core values and pledge because they are what we stand for and represent.”
Being the last club competition of the year, Troung and Huynh wanted club members to interact with their clubs more. They also stated that the activity was for students to know what the club was about.
“Trinh and I decided to organize this event because we want to give opportunities for club members to interact with their clubs more,” stated Troung.