Valerie Nea
Copy Editor
“I want them to find the joy of music through learning a new instrument,” stated Eric Hoenigmann, math teacher
Hoenigmann has chosen to teach a class called Learning How to Play an Instrument during the school’s first embedded schedule week. The class consists of teaching students the basics of instruments like the guitar, base, ukulele, kahone, piano, and banjo.
With 25 students enrolled, Hoenigmann planed to have the students bring their own instrument or use a provided instrument from class to practice and learn through instructional videos on YouTube.
Hoenigmann added, “I will be there for them to ask me questions and help guide them for the instrument they decide on.”
The decision to start a musical enrichment class stemmed from the fact that he is the advisor of the Unplugged club and has many instrument on hand. His main purpose for this class is to offer music as a way for students to relax and unwind from their academic school day.
Hoenigmann passionately states, “I see how much joy the Unplugged club brings students and this is just another medium to do that.”