Bodies shuffled out of their seats as the court bailiff calls the court to order. The Mock Trial final round had begun. On Dec. 4, the Gabrielino Mock Trial team arrived at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse to compete in the final round of the “Teach Democracy” tournament and left wearing silver second place medals.
At one point, Gabrielino High School’s Mock Trial team had multiple county championships under their belt, but after losing their advisor, the program died off. Fast forward to 2019, when Gabrielino alumni Gabriel Frank McPheter and Halina Kwan revived the program with help from coaches Eric Chen and Angelica Lujan.
While the team did not kick off with the same resounding success as the previous generation, throughout the years they built their confidence and their skill, bringing them all the way to this year’s final round.
“We have all types of people at all different levels on our team. I feel the captains and I have fostered a really great community where everyone feels like they can reach out for help,” defense attorney and team captain Natalia San Lucas, junior, explained. “We’ve been able to grow so much because everyone is so supportive of one another.”
Getting ready for the competition is just as exciting as the performance itself. As the team got their hair and makeup done, all while practicing direct and cross examinations, objections, and opening and closing statements. There was a sense of determination lingering in the sound of heels clicking on the marble floor.
During the final round of the county courtroom, the competitors take their seats, preparing for trial and facing off against the Flintridge Prep defense team.
Both teams have been preparing the same case for over 3 months. The fictional trial follows the defendant, Logan Gold, accused of kidnapping their spouse’s political opponent, Taylor Alexander. Each side presented their argument, questioned 4 witnesses, and ended the trial with a closing statement from each side. At the end of the trial, the judge found the defendant Logan Gold guilty on the count of kidnapping, and with that, the round came to an end.
Although Gabrielino won the verdict, Flintridge Preparatory High School won the round, earning first place and advancing to the state tournament. However, Gabrielino still performed exceptionally, earning second place in all of LA County, out of hundreds of schools and thousands of competitors. Junior Audrey Ou Yang also earned first place in the competition of Courtroom Artists, with her drawing to be printed on next year’s case packet all throughout LA County.
The Gabrielino Mock Trial team went from a passionate group of students trying to find their footing, to a powerful team that uses community and connection as an avenue toward success, and the team’s growth over the years presents a promising future for the success of the team.