By Jayden Tran | Staff Writer

1. Brown Sugar Milk Tea
Despite the name, brown sugar milk tea is like milk tea but without the tea. It has a different flavor, it is sweeter, and it has to be mixed by the enjoyer. Brown sugar milk tea has an initial sweet milk taste, with the lack of tea making the milk stand out more. For people who have strong bones, it will be a delectable drink. It is made with milk, brown sugar syrup, and boba. If calcium were a drink, this would be it.
2. Thai Tea.
Thai tea is a sweeter alternative with a slightly different aftertaste than milk tea. Thai tea’s taste starts quite sweet and stays sweet even when the boba is swallowed. The makeup of it is strongly brewed black tea, sugar, condensed milk, and boba. It is for the people who put extra sugar on things that are already sweet.
3. Milk Tea
The drink that everyone who has ever tried boba has tried. Milk tea is the baseline for something to drink with boba. It makes up the base liquid of almost all flavors of the beverage. The taste consists of a sweet immediate taste, and a slightly bitter aftertaste. It consists of milk, black tea, creamer, sugar, and of course, boba. Milk tea is kind of like getting original flavored chips. It is basic, but it is still delicious.
4. Mango smoothie
This drink is the tropical fruit that everybody knows mixed up into a smoothie with added boba. The sweetness of the mango helps emphasize the boba. Condensed milk added to it gives it the classic consistency and flavorfulness of most boba drinks. It is created with fresh mangos, condensed milk, and ice.
5. Jasmine Brown Sugar Green Milk Tea
Imagine green milk tea, jasmine milk tea, brown sugar syrup, and boba combined. That is what this drink is. It combines all the great things of each and makes them into a savory drink. Each of the tastes complementing each other in the mouth of the person lucky enough to experience this drink. Remember those Pringle Stacks commercials? Jasmine brown sugar green milk tea with boba is like that. Put lots of great tastes to make something wonderful.
6. Avocado Smoothie
Avocado drinks might sound disheartening to some, but it is anything but that. It is sweet but has that iconic avocado flavor with condensed milk and ice. The boba’s taste is enhanced by the avocado flavor. It also keeps the heat of the boba in making it a much different experience from other traditional drinks. Avocados, ice, condensed milk, and a blender are needed. Add boba afterward and the smoothie is done.
7. Oolong Milk Tea
Oolong milk tea is very similar to regular milk tea made with black tea. Oolong milk tea can come in large varieties. Usually, oolong milk tea has a softer taste. It is made in a similar way to classic milk tea so it tastes similar. However, the taste is still distinct. Oolong milk tea is like getting lightly salted chips. It has a lighter experience than the classic, but it is still good.
8. Strawberry Milk Tea
This drink, obvious with its name, has strawberry flavoring. It is not enough to overwhelm the taste of the milk tea, but it is still noticeable. It is just enough to give a small hint of strawberry that makes it much more flavorful than normal. Made with real strawberries, it is a fruity alternative to regular milk tea.
9. Green Milk Tea
Green milk tea is ever so slightly different from milk tea made using black tea. Green milk tea has a lighter taste in comparison. It is brewed differently and uses different leaves that bring out different flavors in the tea. A great alternative.
10. Matcha milk Tea
Matcha tea is similar to normal green tea. It might seem sensible to put it with milk to make a great boba drink but no, it is not. Matcha milk tea is the worst boba drink. It tastes like bitter ice water with shaved grass. Not every boba place is perfect, but this specific milk tea costs $8. It is hard to believe there is anyone who thinks matcha milk tea is a good drink.