By Jolin Hoang | Staff Writer
Photo courtesy of Maria Cruz
After a month of in-person learning, students and teachers have had mixed thoughts and feelings about their experiences being back on campus.
The reopening of schools has helped everyday activities progressively return to normal, which has had a positive impact on both students and teachers. Students could socialize with their friends easier and teachers were able to teach in the comfort of their own classrooms.
Students were separated and grouped according to the alphabetical order of their last names. They attended class on different days of the week.
“Being on campus is nice because I get to see my friends again and I’m not just sitting in a room all day,” stated Hannah Quon, freshman. “Obviously it’s not the same, but it feels like I get to experience a little of what my freshman year would’ve been.”
Quon attended in-person learning on Mondays and Tuesdays. She has had an overall positive experience with being on campus, as she finds it an effective way of learning for her.
“Learning in person is easier because there’s less distractions, and you don’t have to wait for the teacher to respond to your private message in the chat when you have questions,” Quon explained.
Even though being back on campus has been a great experience for students, it may not be the same experience for teachers.
“I am basically doing the same thing I’ve been doing all year, I’m just doing it from F103 instead of home,” explained health teacher Kent Monteleone. “We are on Zoom everyday like we have been and doing everything through that so the only difference is that some students are actually on campus and in the classroom.”
Although teaching on campus was no different than teaching on Zoom for teachers like Monteleone, having the comfort and privilege of being able to teach in a classroom again made the overall experience worthwhile.
“Once I’m back in my classroom, it feels great to arrange my classroom and even wipe down the desks to get ready for my students,” stated Transition teacher Maria Cruz. “It’s really special to see facial expressions that aren’t always on camera through Zoom.”