The Tongva Times • May 26, 2017 •
Tongva Times Staff Signs Off
As Editor in Chief, Deandra brings a lot of energy to the room. She always has good things to say about the work that everyone presents to the newsroom no matter how bad it is. She always encourages others to work hard and inspires those around her. The quality that makes her stand out the most is her ability to give advice on how to improve even when people feel that they can’t. – RaymondWhether it was sharing first drafts or finalizing pages, Angelina always had her attention focused on the newspaper, working hard as the Addendum Editor. It’s her open heart and ears towards the suggestions of others that I hope will stay with her next year. Her kindness and spirit are at the core of everything she does. – TiffanyBrendan is a quirkywriter. His articles neverfail to make me smileor laugh. His diligentwork as a Poll Specialistis greatly appreciated,especially for gathering“Staff Picks.” The staff isreally going to miss hishomemade enchiladasand chicken tenders nextyear! – AngelinaAlthough I initiallythought Cassandrawas quiet, I got toknow her sense ofhumor and vintagestyle better this year.I have seen her growas the newspaper’sEntertainment Editor.She is always one ofthe first editors to be-gin editing and puts extra workand effort into her pages everyissue. – MarleldChris is on top of his job as PollSpecialist the minute we’re donebrainstorming for our next issue.Chris is a math nerd, so theTongva Times can always trusthis calculations. When he isn’tbusy with numbers, Chris loosensup the staff with his blunt sense ofhumor. The best thing about Chris ishis endearing and honest grin. – JannelleChristine is such a fun person to bearound. Not only is she easy totalk to, but she makes someof the most honest, yet funnycomments. She is a great StaffPhotographer and it seemsas though she was at everysporting event, snapping thebest shots of our athletes inaction. – CassandraI appreciate Jady so much because de-spite all she had to do as the BusinessManager, she still set aside time to helpme with my tasks. Her bubbly person-ality always lit up our newsroom andshe could turn any stressful situationinto a funny one just by making a joke.I am really going to miss Jady when shegraduates, but I know her awesomepersonality will take her many great places inthe future. – Nyah
No one has a more extensive movie
knowledge or steadfast, passionate
position on topics that interest him
than Garrett. It’s been an amazing
experience taking journalism with a
character like him. Although his
position is Staff Photographer,
he taught me how to integrate
a strong opinion into my articles.
I look forward to writing persuasive
essays next year! – Kelly
Jannelle is a junior but her work ethic reflects solid maturity and intellect. She excels as the Opinions Editor. Everything that she does is done well. She motivates those around her with her bubbly personality and calms the staff from the stress of the newsroom. – JadyJasmine A. is the mostgoofy person I know, butin the best possible way.As the newspaper’s ArtResearcher, she’s the un-official third photographeron the staff. Her infectiouslaughter always makes myday. She’s an incredible artistand an even better friend.- Kaylin T.Jasmine L. is an essentialpart of the Tongva Times.As the Social MediaManager, she is oneof the most active staffmembers, monitoringour website, Twit-ter and Facebookaccounts. She is also afantastic person in general. Ithas been an honor to have workedwith her. – LinusKaylan K. is a warm-hearted personwho is kind to everyone. Everydayshe comes into class with a smile,ready to go. She works very hard asthe Features Editor and always helpsother staff members with their jobs.She is also a superb writer! All of herarticles are well-written and go intodepth on the subject she is writingabout. – Jasmine V.Kaylin T. took on the role of the WorldEditor as a junior and she has contin-ued to grow more skilled throughoutthe year. The news in this section ofthe paper is usually negative butshe kept an upbeat spirit whencarrying out her job. Kaylin ishelpful, cheerful, and adept atgiving support and laughs toanyone in need. – ChrisKelly always listens to everyone, evenwhen she probably doesn’t want to.Though she can be shy at times, whenshe is in class, she is always hard atwork as one of our Poll Specialists.Kelly enjoys joking around andhaving fun, but when she needs tohunker down and get work done,she goes into a mode that is bothfrightening and entertaining to watchat the same time. – GarrettLinnus is an interesting, eloquentlittle freshman. He has a never-ending hunger for informationand he’s always researchingsomething on his Chromebook.He is a hard working Staff Writerand very open to listening to oth-er people’s criticism. I hope thathe keeps this mentality throughouthigh school. – ChristineMarled is an amazing LayoutArtist who not only knows howto creatively put together anypage in the newspaper, but isalso ready to lend a helpinghand. Throughout the year,Marled never shied away fromgiving advice and, no matterwhat, you can always count onMarled. She is 100% dedicated to all thatshe does. – VenisaNyah is one of the friendliestpeople that you will ever meet.She is easy to talk to and is neverafraid to voice her opinion. Asthe Tongva Times’ AdvertisingManager, she is someone youcan trust with your money! Herpositivity keeps the staff’s energylevel high and she has a greatsense of style (reflected in her ex-tensive knowledge of what is “Hotor Not”). – Kaylan K.Rodin is the Sports Editor. He comes toclass everyday with a great attitude, heparticipates and gives advice to writ-ers that need help, and he’s just afun guy to be around. His position isa tough one to excel in, but Ro fillsthe role with poise and dedication.The sports page wouldn’t be half asgood as it is currently without Ro’sdedication. – BrendanTiffany is a natural as Layout Artist.She’s the kind of person who will doamazing things on the computer andscarcely take credit for her work.I’ve seen her come in duringlunch and afterschool evenwhen she wasn’t asked to, justto lend a hand. Thank you fordedicating your artsy craftand genuine energy to thisnewspaper. – Deandra
Venisa is one of the nicest staff mem-bers on the newspaper and she is areally good writer. She has a greatsense of humor and loves to laugh.She is an enthusiastic Layout Artistas she works on the pages of thenewspaper with eagerness everymonth. – Ro