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The Tongva Times

The Tongva Times

Aesthetic of a staff member
Aesthetic of a staff member
Staff • June 4, 2024
End of school year sports recap
Bren Belmonte, Staff Writer • May 30, 2024

The 10: best white elephant gifts to bring


In White Elephant, people choose their gift from either a stack of presents in the middle of the group or presents that have already been opened. The exchange evokes indignant shouts and maniacal laughter as people sneakily form alliances and take each other’s presents. This list provides gifts for all budgets that anyone would fight over, ranked from mediocre to best.

10. A speaker:

Listen to tunes anytime, anywhere with this popular White Elephant present. Speakers can be used to enjoy high-quality music at home and blasting sounds at gatherings.

9. Bucket of fried chicken:

It’s finger-lickin’ good! This gift adds goofiness to the game while requiring little effort. It’s the thought that counts…(or not.) Make sure to keep the fried chicken warm inside the packaging!

8. Socks:

Socks are practical yet charming for all ages. The socks could be cozy, cute, or crazy, perfect to warm up the recipient during the cold of winter.

7. Bar of soaps with silly packaging:

All needed for this simple present is to travel to a local store, purchase soaps, and print out images to use as coverings. The themed packaging for the soaps transforms a mundane product into a humorous experience.

6. Gift cards with any amount: 

One of the most versatile gift options by far, a gift card allows the recipient to choose anything they want, whether it’s a trip to a coffee shop, an online shopping spree, or even something weird or ridiculous.

5. A box full of snacks: 

Indulge in a bounty of tasty goodies! The package could have a delectable selection of treats like gourmet popcorn or gummy bears, perfect for snackers with a sweet tooth.

4. 1000-piece puzzle:

Challenge accepted! Completing a 1000-piece puzzle requires patience, but it’s also rewarding. Whether the receiver views puzzles as a mind-twisting game of skill or finds it soothing, this gift offers hours of engrossing enjoyment and the satisfaction of finishing a challenging work of art.

3. Favorite book(s):

The gifter can share their enthusiasm for literature, from exciting fantasy novels to enlightening nonfiction. Whether it is the gifter’s favorite or the top picks from the rest of the group, a book provides hours of entertainment and a window into a new world.

2. Customized coffee mug and cookies:

This considerate present includes a unique picture mug personalized with an inside joke or a favorite memory, with yummy cookies to compliment.  Such cups can be found at Walgreens starting at $14.99.

1. Box of movie snacks and a DVD of choice:

Give someone a movie night in a package with popcorn, candy, and a surprise movie DVD. Whether the DVD is a beloved classic, rom-com, or action-packed adventure, the individual receiving the present will be delighted.

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Bren Belmonte
Bren Belmonte, Staff Writer
Bren Belmonte is a Photographer and Staff Writer with three years of experience on our newspaper team. Outside of journalism, Bren enjoys cosplaying, photographing friends, reading manga, watching anime, and listening to music. Bren chose the journalism class in sophomore year after encouragement from family members in the industry. Since then, they've recognized it as a future passion and career interest.
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