By Paige Dance | Copy Editor
Brenda Belmonte | Tongva TimesPANCAKE FRENZY At the 77th Annual Pancake Breakfast and Egg Hunt at Smith Park, children race while balancing a pancake on a flipper. The activity was open for participants ages 7 to 16.
On April 16, the 77th Annual Pancake Breakfast and Egg Hunt took place at Smith Park. This event was presented by the City of San Gabriel along with the San Gabriel Kiwanis Club. The main activities of the event were the pancake breakfast, the pancake race, and the Easter Egg Hunt. The pancake breakfast started at 7 a.m. and lasted until 11 a.m. Asking for a $5 donation for adults and $2 for kids under 10, this meal included pancakes, sausage, juice, coffee, and milk. There was a continuously long line of people waiting to receive breakfast, as there were hundreds of people attending the event. In addition to the pancake breakfast, there was also a Yogurtland pop-up, helping people cool down while in the sun. Families filled up the park and enjoyed their pancake breakfast by sitting at the dozens of picnic tables that took up the east side of the park. Many spent their time relaxing, eating, or participating in the crafts section. The pancake race started at 9 a.m. and involved all contestants running 100 feet while attempting to balance a single pancake on a pancake flipper. The race was open to anyone from ages 7 to 16 years old. Each participant was required to bring their own pancake flipper and get it approved before the race. Last but not least, there was an Easter Egg Hunt which took place throughout the park at 10 a.m. This was available for any children 12 and below that brought an Easter basket. During the event, Mayor Tony Ding and Councilmember John Wu walked around the park, greeting all of the families and making sure all attendees were having a fun time. The Easter Bunny also made an appearance. A line waiting for pictures with Mr. Bunny wrapped around the park. After two years of not having this event, the attendance was as high, with no parking to be found anywhere within the surrounding blocks. Police were also present around the park to ensure that all residents were safe and taken care of, which is why there was an ambulance parked nearby. A San Gabriel resident who was attending the function with her family stated, “My kids were so excited to come back to the park this year. It really brings the community together.” There were many different activities for families to participate in while walking through the park, such as a coloring contest and craft booth which opened up at 7:30 a.m, lasting until the event ended. Students from Gabrielino High School could be found volunteering throughout the event, such as helping people enter the correct lines for certain activities. Music could be heard throughout the park from speakers by the Smith Park Pool.