Bren Belmonte | Staff Writer
In the Academy Award-winning film, “Coda”, Ruby Rossi is the only hearing member in her all deaf family, living a tireless life of working for her family’s business, attending school, and being the family’s translator. “I never thought it could happen to me, got me happy when I’m in misery”, Ruby Rossi’s radio played loudly. The wind roared through Ruby’s hair while at sea on a clear sky day.Signing up for new classes led to a fate-deciding choice for Ruby, choir auditions frightened her. The stagefright Ruby felt, the blank yet judgmental stares coming from her choir peers. Ruby felt as nervous as ever to present her voice to be assigned a section in the choir.Briskly running away from class, Ruby comes to find a lake. The peaceful aura calmed her down as she sat on top of a rocky cliff and overlooked it. Her stagefright broke away revealing her true passionate voice with acoustics to boost. Ruby has taken a liking to her choir duo, Miles. They both practiced their duet in Ruby’s cramped, poster-filled room. Sounds echoed each other, as they stared into each other’s uncomfortable facial expressions, they began to stand back to back from each other. Both persons’ feelings turn to comfort, as a wholesome romance began to blossom. The love story is far beyond amazing, the chemistry between the two lovers left such impression on watchers. The awkward yet wholesome relationship creates a life-like picture.Authenticity is a common sight, the warm yet personal look of the room has its charm. The whole scene is intimate, and nostalgic along with a touch of innocence. The struggle between the family’s fish business and school life overtakes Ruby. College is creeping into the picture and the frowns on the parents’ faces radiates around the room from news of her desire to audition for Berklee College of Music. The disapproval from her parents results in them taking Ruby for granted and ending up believing that she will interpret for them long term. The Heart-to-heart mother-daughter sign conversation is a heartfelt scene. Both the mother and daughter feel connected even though one can hear and the other cannot. The light-hearted conversation filled Ruby’s room as she laid her head on her mother’s lap. This powerful moment between Ruby and her mom talks about if she wished Ruby would have been born deaf. Touching scenes just like this highlighted the actor’s skills to show their full capability to convey in another medium, through sign language. Ruby’s first performance at her school’s choir concert was a milestone. Snaps of fingers, various pitches while the families glance in awe. With the fresh mood of feel-good music, Ruby’s deaf family could not hear but were happy by the end of the pieces. Clapping and roaring is heard by the parents of the choir students and a standing ovation. “Coda” has established itself as one of the year’s most powerful depictions of family; it’s a must-see in theaters or on Apple TV+.